Wednesday 19 December 2012

At Arms Length

Well I can't say it hasn't been an interesting twenty four hours.

I set off yesterday after lunch to go and have my blood checked and an x ray. I really didn't want to go, I didn't feel well enough and I was paranoid that, in my weakened state, I'd catch something else. However huddled into the furthest corner of the waiting room I found a unique and extremely effective way of getting people to keep their distance. Every time I started to cough I cleared a good few meters around me in all directions. As soon as people began to creep back I'd start again and 'bingo' clear seats all around. I must have used a gallon of alcohol gel and kept my mouth and nose covered so I'm fairly confident that I've escaped unscathed.

Back out in the fresh air I realised I actually felt better than I had in days and the crisp cold air worked wonders on my nose leaving me clear if not fully functional. I still barely have any sense of smell though my taste and hearing have improved a lot. The plan was for Peter to return me home and then go and pick Andrew up from university but I felt so well I decided to tag along for the ride. Peter wasn't keen but once he'd extracted all sorts of promises to 'stay in the car' and let him and Andrew do all the fetching and carrying he agreed and I had a lovely trip out along the motorway. It was exactly a fortnight since I'd left the house and I think I'd got a sort of 'I'm not well' mind set going on because instead of feeling worse, which I was convinced I would, I felt better for the change of air and scenery.

I did as I was told and stayed glued to my seat while suitcases and bin bags were loaded into the boot and then we were off home loaded down with, what looked like, a whole terms washing. Andrew made it back before we did and had already raided the fridge by the time we'd pulled up in the drive. He sorted out his washing and I put the first of several loads on to wash before making some tea and sandwiches.

After an evening of listening to Andrew's experiences during his placement, including his norovirus patient, I went to bed happy in the knowledge that he'd survived his first term and was now safe and well back under my roof.

It was four o'clock when he started. Every mother in the world is familiar with the sudden thump as they hit the floor and the thunder of feet along the corridor that ends with the bathroom door being flung open and the inevitable sound of vomiting. This was my wake up call and it went on, and on , and on, and on, until by eight he was fast asleep and I was lying awake rigid with fear that I'd just brought norovirus into the house. While he slept I washed the entire bathroom down in neat bleach and then showered so that anything I might have brushed against whilst cleaning was washed away. My clothing and towels went into the wash and the downstairs bathroom and kitchen also got the deep clean treatment.

When he woke up he announced he felt a lot better but Peter wasn't convinced and decided it would be best if I spent as little time in contact as possible so I was ordered to dress and we went out. Luckily I feel better again today, I still have my cough but I can now breathe through my nose and occasionally get the odd whiff of perfume or strong food smell such as coffee or garlic.

We went to the shopping center, where I was abandoned for the best part of an hour while Peter went off to do something secret. So I whizzed around on my trike and bought myself a little smelly treat, I don't know why, I can't smell the stuff, but I'm assured by the girl in the shop it is just lovely. I then bought myself a coffee and parked up to drink it and do some people watching. I have to say I was surprised at how few people there were. Some of the shops were actually empty so my people watching wasn't as successful as it could be. Though I did notice at least three people in onesees and ugg boots and all were old enough to know better.

We then hit Tesco, which was also far from busy, and, much to my delight got all my Christmas shopping done. All I have to get nearer the day is the turkey, some fresh fruit and veg and cream. Our Christmas is going to be two days behind everyone else as Laurence and I are working Christmas day itself so there is no rush. So I supposed with every cloud etc...

When we got home we found Andrew dressed and halfway through a piece of toast. On seeing this I immediately ruled out norovirus and after a little chat have now put the cause down to the 'bits and pieces' he ate yesterday rather than throwing things away. This included a dodgy week old yogurt and some olives he's had lurking in the fridge since the beginning of term. I'm not relaxing my strict hygiene regime yet but I don't think we've got anything more serious than food poisoning going on.

Tomorrow I'm off to Papworth, hopefully to get the final go ahead for transplant and to sign the consent forms. All the tests and biopsies have come back clear and provided they have everything in writing the only possible fly in the ointment can be the surgeon, whom I'm meeting tomorrow. I had a letter from Papworth saying that so far they have 'found no contra-indications to transplant but she will be high risk due to her previous surgery and enlarged Pulmonary artery. However if the surgeon thinks it is feasible then we will list her for transplantation at the earliest opportunity.' So although they initially said 'yes' now we are back to 'maybe' because of my previous surgical history. I'm sure they've transplanted more difficult cases than me, they must have. I just hope they think I'm worth the risk.

Well time to check in on my boy and offer more liquid, then a nice cuppa and a sit down before I start fretting about tomorrow again.

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